Friday, August 28, 2009

The Fire and its hidden blessings

Last Saturday I was almost finished cooking what I thought was going to be a terrific salmon dinner when I heard a loud "POP" and smelled smoke. I ran in the direction of our fuse box which is directly above our front door and only exit to find shooting flames of fire. I immediately called Eric who was about 5 minutes away with the kids in the park. I will admit after that I did panic. The fire was burning the floor. I knew I should get the fire extinguisher but at the moment couldn't remember precisely where it was. (It was on top of the refrigerator-just out of my sight). Flames were starting to scorch the floor and ceiling and I was afraid if I waited too long I wouldn't be able to get out. So I made a quick decision-it was to run out the front door!(without my shoes) I knocked on all my neighbors doors in my hallway, screaming "Ajuta-ma!" (Help me). But it seemed no one was home. I went downstairs and did the same thing. Then Eric came home and I guided the kids to the next floor and finally found our building president who came to help. (Fire burning 8 minutes now) Eric kind of put out the fire a few times but since it was an electrical fire, we needed to get the electricity turned off. The main electrical box is outside in the hallway on our floor but is locked and the administrator who was not answering his door has the key. (Fire now burning 12minutes) Meanwhile, Eric has called the emergency/fire number but they seemed to be a little slow. Eric and our neighbor use some needle nose pliers to get the electrical box open and turn off the electricity which allows Eric to put out all fires. Meanwhile, the fire department is on their way up our stairs ready with the hose. Eric stopped them from dousing our apartment with water.

Results: Fuse box is one burned piece of plastic, floor in hallway is burned and destroyed, ceiling and walls are black, and soot and ash has covered everything else in the apartment. Eric has 2nd degree burns on his hand when burning plastic fell on him as he tried to put out the fire. Electricity needs to be rewired in the entire house along with new fuse box. We now have to live somewhere else for a few weeks while the apartment is being repaired, cleaned, and repainted. are all the hidden blessings:
1)My kids were not in the apartment at the time.
2)Eric's injuries were minimal.
3)Someone was home and was able to put out the fire.
4)The fire department did not use the hose and therefore we do not have to deal with water damage.
5) For me, one of my worst fears was realized and I survived. I have always feared a real emergency here in Romania, wondering if I could handle it. (which is really silly since God is always on my side) But more specifically would I freeze and not be able to speak Romanian. Nope. I ran outside, knew what to say. Talked to my neighbor upstairs, got him to come and help. Talked to firemen afterwards for their report-all in Romanian. THANK GOD!!!

God is good...all the time!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

IKEA: My favorite place in Bucharest

I really can't believe I'm admitting to Ikea being my favorite place in all of Bucharest but once you hear my reasons I am sure you will also concur. Reason #1: Refillable Drinks. As far as I know this is the only place in Bucharest you can have free refillable drinks. I am perpetually thirsty here in Bucharest when we go out to eat because really who wants to pay 3 dollars for each bottle of water or coke you consume with your meal. Well at Ikea I can pay 1 dollar and drink as much as I want. Reason #2: They serve an American Breakfast with BACON-something difficult to find here. Plus, my breakfast only costs $1.75. Reason #3: Kid Friendly. The kids play in the fun play area while Eric relax over a leisurely meal. The kids play on the fun slide and run all over and jump on the beds and the furniture. In fact, Hannah will always try to sleep in all the little beds. They even have a changing area and breastfeeding area as well as give out free diapers! Reason #4: Product Selection. They have interesting items that are difficult to find elsewhere in Bucharest. For example-ziplock bags (although every pricy) and popsicle makers. Reason #5-It reminds me of America. (Even though it is a Swedish company)I have to admit that I like things that remind me of "home". I also often hear English spoken there which is comforting to me as well. There are so many other reasons I love IKEA as well but those are my TOP 5 for sure!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

V is for Volcano

During our little preschool time this year, we often did activities associated with different letters and by far I think the Volacano experiment was Samuel and Hannah's favorite. I remember this experiment from my childhood, but I had to build the volcano with dough etc so I wasn't too excited to try this with the kids. But I found this easy way of building the volcano with only a paper plate, a paper cup and foil-5 minutes tops to build. That's my kind of project. So the kids poured in the baking soda and the red food coloring and then the vinegar. They LOVED it. I think they had about 5 or 6 volcanic eruptions-basically until we ran out of the two bottles of vinegar we bought.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Palm Trees in Bucharest?

So our little sector in Bucharest seems to be in a frenzy with beautification-which I fully support. But I just thought it was so funny to drive around the corner from our apartment and see newly planted palm trees. Somehow it just doesn't fit with the environment. And what about winter and the snow? Does anyone know if there are palm trees that survive the snow?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Revolving Door

I've only lived overseas as a missionary for 3 years so this topic of people coming and going and constantly saying goodbye to people is pretty new to me. But this year it hit me pretty hard. Two families that are in our Sunday night Small group left in June. For me, these people represented my family here in Bucharest. They were our best friends, our kid's friends, and our support system. I hate goodbyes, closure etc-even in small things. Take for instance a phone coversation-I dread the end because I don't know what the appropriate thing to say is except "goodbye". So I find it somewhat humorous that I've been put in this life where I will be constantly saying "goodbye" etc. I also wonder about the effect this will have on my children as they navigate their lives as missionary kids.
I will miss my friends greatly and to be honest, its difficult to imagine being here in Bucharest without them. But I do know that God will provide new friends and I think for now I just have to remember all the wonderful times and grieve the times that will never be.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Prejmer, Romania

For part of our Spring Break, Eric and I decided to try to be more adventurous and travel to and stay at places in Romania that we'd never been before. So we ended up in Prejmer, Romania, a very small town outside of Brasov in Transylvania. We stayed at a little pension for $21 a night. There were a little Romanian grandma and grandpa who owned the place and were very accommodating. The town itself was very charming but looked like it was a place out of the 1930's.
The town is famous for its fortified church which we toured with the kids. We were the only ones there, but the history was fascinating! The fortress was built in 1427 to with stand the attacks of the Ottomans. The walls are 14 meters high and 5 meters thick. Access to the massive fortress was through a 5 meter thick long tunnel. The church was built in a shape of a Latin cross in a Gothic style.
We love learning more and more about Romania and its history!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Simple Joys

Its so funny how something as simple as canned soup could make me laugh and smile so much. About a month ago, a friend and I were shopping in a very small grocery store in the mountains outside of Bucharest and all of a sudden spotted these cans of soup. To help you understand, canned soup is not available here in Romania and second, to find Campbell's seemed like a little taste of home. I giggled about this for at least a week after and then had to tell everyone I knew that I found soup and then of course immediately made two recipes using it!!!! Although this may seem silly, I am thankful for the place God has me in, both literally and metaphorically, that makes me appreciate such simple joys.